Flo part 1 - 90 days - Going for the Gold

As the great Carl Lewis once said, well, tried to sing as well, but yes, going strong and Going for the Gold!

Or will I? Not likely. You'll see below. But going for Flo-rida, for sure. Very hyped up, as you might realize. This time the blog article is in English, and for fun - if any of my international colleagues are interested. Yes, I am having a small two-week vacation and cannot fill all my hours with training... and possibly you have the same as well?

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Registration as of today 27th December, 2024 See below for the registered throwers and their logged in results from 2022 to 2024. Results are in meters, of course, as we are not YET in USA. NOTE: Where you see a result on a light blue background and a some red in the font, that is a result with a M45 implement (e g 15.88kg for weight and 7.26kg for hammer). NOTE 2: "Register" means what they inputed by themselves during registration (one can input whatever value they like).

Interesting. Looking strong, but not for long. If you are not enlightened about the practicalities of master athletes, perhaps it is good to share that yes, we are a bunch of lazy ones in registering ourselves early. No, I will not grab double gold from the World Championships, even though the list above shows I am on top of the charts. Realistically, that just cannot happen with my rankings, which in 2024 ( based on the data in https://mastersrankings.com/rankings/ ), I am ranked #25 (weight) and #22 (hammer). The plan is to be able to compete in final 3 rounds (which means for you mundanes that I my best competition throw is within best 8 of all participants). It does not mean there is no time for champagne, but let's hold that thought for awhile. I mean at least until the participant list is locked for good. I know that some countries require a Visa to travel to US, and the deadline for that is practically done. According to the organizers, it might take very long, like 4-6 months, to get a Visa. I believe my plan is currently realistic. I don't really see many of my throwing friends and colleagues preparing for Florida, but I anticipate some of the European ones (that need only ESTA to travel to US) will appear in the competition. And one cannot forget about the local team, especially US. See below for the local watchlist, which also shows the rankings. NOTE: Rank with a red font means they are with a better global rank than me.

If you did not know before, US is strong in weight throwing. That is very popular "hobby" among their schooling system, and it can be seen in their continuous flow of good results compared to other countries. In the list above for the "locals", you can see that a couple of persons easily take over the command and push me from the (virtual and a joke) throne! But that is to be seen, when I continue... in part 2 - 60 days!

Ooh, and yes, I am so eager to plan in some vacation days (during this trip) in Orlando, especially in Kennedy Space Center. To be honest, I might not know if the competition will really become the highlight. It is also going to be a first trip to the US for others in my family (wifey Anne and a 16-year old Nelli), so a lot of emotions/experiences are expected.
C U soon!
Train hard, but well


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